Thursday 22 November 2018


Today, Thursday 22nd November 2018 is Thanksgiving in the USA.

Hoxe é Thanksgiving nos EE.UU.

Click on the link to see the story of Thanksgiving.
Podedes ver a historia deste día.

It is a day where people celebrate and say THANK YOU!
Neste día a xente celebra dando as GRAZAS!

What are you thankful for? E ti, por que queres dar as grazas?

In class, we thought of lots of different reasons to say thanks. Look at the videos to see our ideas.









Thursday 8 November 2018

Pumpkin Stories

 We read two different stories related to Pumpkins.

Leímos dos cuentos relacionados con calabazas durante Halloween.

Year 1 and 2 read "Pete The Cat's 5 little pumpkins".

Click on the links below to listen to the story and the poem:

Year 3 and 4 read "Winnie's Amazing Pumpkin" by Valerie Thomas. They had to guess what Winnie transformed the pumpkin into.

Click on the video to see some examples!

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Halloween Art

We transformed well-known art pieces into Terrorific Halloween Masterpieces.

Year 1 and year 6 worked with La Mona Lisa, by Da Vinci.

Year 2 made their own Picasso-style Frankenstein collage portraits.

Year 3 transformed The Woman In The Night, by Miró into spooky art pieces.

Year 4 worked with Las Meninas, by Velazquez.

Year 5 transformed The Girl With The Pearl Earring.


Wednesday 25 April 2018

Year 2 - The 5 Senses

We are also learning about the 5 senses.
Estamos aprendiendo sobre los 5 sentidos.

We went on a "sensory walk" to see, hear, smell and touch our school garden.
Dimos un "paseo sensorial" para ver, oler, escuchar y tocar lo que había en nuestro bosque.

Listen to the song about the 5 senses. Podemos escuchar una canción sobre los 5 sentidos:

We made a flap book where we wrote the 5 senses, the part of the body we use and our favourite things to see, smell, taste, touch and hear.
Hemos hecho un libro en el que escribimos los 5 sentidos.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

1º The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In Year 1, we are reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle.
Pinchando en la imagen, se puede escuchar el cuento que estamos leyendo en clase:

You can listen to the story, here:
First, we read the story and ordered it .

We are learning about the days of the week,

Sunday 15 April 2018

Year 2 - From Head to Toe

In year 2 we are learning about the parts of the body. We are reading a book called "From Head To Toe" by Eric Carle.

En 2º estamos aprendiendo sobre las partes del cuerpo mientras leemos un cuento llamado "From Head to Toe"

You can listen to the song by clicking on the image.
Puedes escuchar la canción pinchando esta imagen:

Here is another song to help you learn:

We have been playing different games to help us practice the parts of the body.
Hemos estado jugando juegos para ayudarnos a practicar y aprender las partes del cuerpo:

Here are some games you can play to help you a little bit more:
Enlaces a juegos para seguir aprendiendo:

Egg Hunt

We teamed up with another class during PE and English to take part in a scavenger hunt.

Juntamos las clases durante EF e inglés para participar en una búsqueda de huevos de pascua.....sin chocolate pero con muchos retos que nos ayudó a repasar los que hemos aprendido.

1st we had to find 6 eggs using a map.
1º tuvimos que encontrar los 6 huevos que estaban escondidos utilizando un mapa:

2nd we opened the eggs and tried to solve the problems. 2º, abrimos los huevos para poder solucionar las preguntas que había dentro.

We had great fun!

¡Que bien nos lo pasamos!